I would have been here sooner, but the phone company (you know, the one I work for) made a big booboo. The person who put in for the transfer set it for 8/25, instead of 7/25. If I had to go without phone and computer for a month, I would either be clawing the walls, or driving to the library. But everything's straightened out now. Anyway...
The move went okay, despite some setbacks. We were up bright and early Sunday morning, since we still had some work to do here before we brought stuff down. It was pretty much me and Joey moving all the stuff...his dad helped some, but had to stop and watch the kids, since mom-in-law HAD to go to bingo. It took us about 4 trips, not bad. Getting the stuff out of the old house into the truck was the easy part; the hill outside the new house turned out to be our worst enemy. We dropped the fridge on our way down that hill, spilling some contents of said fridge. Thanks to the high grass, it eventually went into the house without a scratch on it. (Note to self: Never again let Joey talk you into leaving the food in the fridge.)
After everything was in (around midnight), we went to drop the truck off. As I'm dropping the key into the night deposit slot, Joey says, "Did you remember the car keys?" DAMMIT. So here we are, tired from moving, walking to his mom's house to get a ride to the new house, then to U-Haul to pick up the car. Needless to say, we finally made it home, around 1am. We were starving by that point (we didn't eat all day), so Joey decided to break his no-eating-after-midnight rule (I don't follow this...remember I work nights?) and we went to McDonald's. We have a 24-hour one here...that's a good thing. We didn't get to bed until after 2am, then got woken up by one hell of a thunderstorm around 5:30. But it was then we saw that we have an awesome view of the city. So I guess it was a good thing.
So now we're officially here 3 1/2 days, and so far, so good. No problems yet, except the ones that were here before we were. To put it simply, we're happy. But next time, we're hiring movers...this was just too much.
til next time...=)