Stole this from Barbara. She stole it from Dawn who stole it from Bernie who stole from get the idea.
1. A month before it happens, you're told you're going to lose your memory so how do you prepare for it and do you attempt to regain what you've lost?
Hmmm...I dunno--I Just kidding--I would take LOADS of pics, find old pics, and make everyone aware that they're going to help me regain as much as possible.
2. How do you describe your out look on life?
Right at this moment, it's fairly good. I take it day by day, since you never know what tomorrow's going to bring. I mean, other than work.
4. You fall in love with your soulmate, decide to get married and then find out that person is going to die soon, do you marry them anyway?
Of course. Why not? You only get one soulmate...make the most of the time you have.
4. What are three of your favorite ice cream toppings?
Hot fudge, whipped cream, and sprinkles.
5. Is there one article of clothing you love to wear no matter how out of style it is?
Jammies. I wear them everywhere--to the store, to work, to...well, you get the idea.
6. Is there one color you wish would go away in fashion?
Not that I can think of...
7. What's the first department you head to when you go shopping in a department store?
Electronics. If it's Target, Hello Kitty sections first, then electronics.
8. How far away do you live from your parents?
This one I can't answer.
9. Growing up who was your favorite cartoon character?
Tom and Jerry. I still like them.
10. You plan a romantic evening and everything goes wrong, including the fancy dinner you made burning, what do you do?
This wouldn't happen to me--I would be eating out in the first That and I would be getting Joey out of the house.
11. What's the last thing you bought at the store?
Coffee, pretzels, and M&Ms. To munch on while at work.
12. Have you ever walked out in the middle of a movie?
Not that I can remember. Unless you count the time I got food poisoning while watching I fell asleep watching it, and the rest of the time I was in the bathroom.
13. What celebrity do most people say you look like?
No one has ever told me I look like anyone...I'm one of a
14. Is there any piece of jewelry you always wear?
Nope. I have my engagement ring, but I took it off when I worked at KK, and never put it back on. Oops.
15. Have you ever tried to pick someone up?
Nope...never had the courage. But people have tried to pick me up..hahahahaha.
16. What's the one thing you always manage to lose on your way out the door?
My mind...that means I'm going to work.
Of these creatures which one are you most afraid of:
A.) Snakes
B.) Spiders
C.) Rodents
None of them, really. Snakes look cool, I watch spiders make webs (cool), and rodents aren't that bad...unless they're in your house. If I had to pick one, I would say snakes.
18. What's the last gift you bought for a friend?
Good question...I honestly can't remember.
19. Do you ever buy people things for no reason?
Sometimes, when I have the funds to do so.
20. What is your favorite way to spend a lazy summer afternoon?
Sitting outside on the swing, watching the kids play nicely (that lasts about 10 minutes). If they're not home, then just laying around the house, or sitting on the porch, coffee in hand.
til next time...=)