Now...just to let you know, these are REAL calls we get (they're not just co-workers tell me about the ones they get), and real, existing listings that I mention here. Honestly--you can't make this stuff up.
a.) What's the number for 9-1-1? (The same thing happens for 611 and 411. Yes, the same number they called, and they're asking what the number is.)
b.) What's the number for 1-800-FLOWERS? (Duh.)
c.) A quote from one of my co-workers talking to a customer: "Yes, I do have a HARRY BURD." (I almost peed when he told me about this one.)
d.) Hop On Adventures in California. (It exists. Use your imagination here.)
I think that's enough for now. When I get more, I'll let you know.
til next time...=)