Wednesday, February 28, 2007

what i see on vacation, part 3

Went to my sister's house yesterday, to take Nikki home.  Stayed there for a while...talked, laughed, uploaded pics onto her new puter, and took some too.

See the puppy in the last pic?  Brought him home with me.  Got a coffee table too.  Nice, huh?

til next time...=)

pimpin' ain't easy

As some of you might have read, I'm hosting next week's CarnivAOL!  That's right--it's hitting the road, and the first stop is right here.  So get your pimp suits ready, and send me your entries!  You can send it to me via my AOL e-mail, or my other address...KKMom527(at)  Don't matter to me--I'll get it either way.  Don't forget--it has to be in to me (or Paul) by Sunday, March 4.  C' off your stuff!  You know you want to...

til next time...=)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

what i see on vacation, part two

My niece, Nikki, acting like a goof with a Krispy Kreme hat on.

She's trying to look like me--tried to dye her hair blonde, but it came out the exact same color as  Went to KK to kill time while waiting for my appointment yesterday.  By the way, the new whole wheat doughnuts are good.

til next time...=)

what i see on vacation, part one

I'll probably make this a little series this week, since I'm on vacation...duh.

You've seen people move with cars, trucks, and U-Hauls...but have you ever seen this?!?

Yes--the new neighbors across the street moved in with a SCHOOL BUS.  Yeah, I know what you're thinking--how do I know they were moving with it, and it wasn't jsut parked there?  Well, when you see people taking furniture, etc. out of the bus and into a previously unrented apartment...that's

til next time...=)

Thursday, February 22, 2007

round robin...a day late

I wasn't feeling too good yesterday after work, so I didn't get to post my pics.  Figures...what a first impression I'm leaving.  Sorry...anyhoo.  Here's my entry for the Red Round Robin Photo Challenge!

Here's my new jacket.

Dude's pillow thingy...on the wall, of course--doesn't like the pillow in it.

A bottle of peach and pepper infused vinegar (decoration only!)...

And two pics I took last summer.

I hope all these pics make up for me not posting

til next time...=)

Sunday, February 18, 2007


For those of you who don't have high speed connection, and therefore can't watch the video, here's a pic of what I did today.

til next time...=)

my gloves hate me

I left them outside after digging in the snow, and I swear they froze like this.

I think they're pissed off at me, since I left them outside instead of bringing them in.  Oops.

til next time...=)

pain today, part two

Had to stop for the day, because my back is now hurting.  That and snow squalls are moving through.  And my gloves are frozen--I'll show the pic of those's funny.  The reason I've been directing towards Brandi is because she's been bugging me to do this for the past two years, since I first posted the last igloo I made.  But I hope everyone gets a kick out of these.  I'll probably finish it tomorrow, before my appointment.  That's another story.

til next time...=)

pain today, part one

When I made this video, I just got up...and was in pain just thinking about what I was about to  Here we go...

til next time...=)

Thursday, February 15, 2007

snow sucks

I think Brandi's getting her wish this weekend...

We got 15.5 inches of snow yesterday.  Watch Good Morning America (I dunno if it was on the other channels) Thursday morning?  See when they showed the one highway that was like gridlock because of snow?  That's about 5 minutes away from my house.  AND, on top of all that, I had to work Wednesday.  This is what the block I work on looked like...around 1pm.

It was like blizzard conditions.  I was on a split, and I didn't want to drive home in it.  So I spent the whole day--from 8:30am to 7:30pm--at work.  Some people couldn't get home, due to the state of emergency that was issued, as well as state police shutting down the highways...and ended up staying in the hotel across the street. 

When I finally did get out of work, I helped Melissa, my co-worker and neighbor, dig out her car.  This is what it looked like at 3pm, so add about 6 inches of snow to this, along with the fact that she was plowed least 3 times.  She could barely open her door.

Here she is crawling on top of the snow

After that was done, me and another co-worker, Shereen, had a bet to settle.  See, she made a bet with me that it was going to snow 4 inches or less...of course, I took that bet.  If she lost, she had to make a snow angel, and let me take pics.  And, of course, she lost.  Bwahahahaha!

It took me forever to get home...meaning in the house.  The street we live on wasn't plowed...just packed down a little by other cars.  Had to go down the wrong way on a one-way street.  That was fun.  Couldn't find a parking spot for shit.  Got stuck a few times, then came back down the wrong way, parked the car in the middle of the street, and got a shovel from my landlord.  Shoveled out a little, then a plow came.  Had to move the car...and the nice plow guy plowed half of my parking spot.  Yay.  Did the rest, and finally got in the house at 9pm.

My last pic is of my street this morning.

See the truck in the middle of the road?  It was there since about midnight.  I had to go to the store before work (9am again)...when I walked past it, there was a note on the windshield that read--"waiting for a tow, nobody available until tomorrow, if needed, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx".  This wasn't the only car/truck/u-haul truck/MAIL TRUCK I saw like this--there were cars all over the place...just left wherever.

Want some snow?  Come and get it.

Oh--you wanna know what Brandi's wish is...she wants me to make another this one.  It's gotta wait until Sunday, though, since I have to work the next two

til next time...=)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

catching up

I know it's been a few days...I think we're done shopping.  Two weeks with the income tax--I think that's a new record.  We got the new dining room set, just waiting for it to get here.  Bum's bedroom is put together...she has to clean her room so I can take pics.  Got some new clothes for everybody, and I made one huge step towards getting my big ticket item, but I have to wait about 4-6 weeks for them to be finished.  Don't worry...I'll be sure to show you when they're done.

Another thing--I'm officially obsessed with Wii, and the one game that came with it, Wii Sports.  Oh just have to at least try this.  My arm hurts from playing, and it's like I have to play one more game...take your pick--tennis (which I love), boxing (can't get the hang of that one), golf (I like this one), baseball (too short of a game, but still good), or bowling (AWESOME).  Bum likes the Mii Channel it has...she gets to create new people you can play with on the games.  You can make one that looks just like you!  It's neat--I made one of myself on each of theirs, and customized it so it's left-handed...just like me.  Cool.

One more thing...they got their report cards the other day.

And they SO deserve to be there, since they both did AWESOME!!!  She improved everywhere she could, and he is exceeding what is expected of him at this point.  WOOHOO!!!  We were so proud, we took them out to dinner for their reward.  Yay.

til next time...=)

Sunday, February 4, 2007


I'm not gonna talk too much, since my hand hurts...from having to swipe my debit card so much this week.  Well, there's another reason as well, but I'll get to that later.  I'll just post pics.  So there.

First thing we bought--a TV.  Had to get the entertainment center too.

Next, Dude got a new bedroom set.  He liked it so much, he slept ON THE BOX it was in for two days (overnight), before Joey assembled it.

Here's the finished product.

And the dresser to match. 

If you were wondering, Bum's is on the way--they didn't have hers in the store...had to order it online.  And she has a room to clean before anything gets put together.

For the kids, we got something they seriously wanted...and people think I'm nuts for getting them.  I actually ordered them online Monday, and they came while the kids were at school Thursday.  I got them to sit for two seconds to take this pic, then it went back to the screaming, jumping up and down, etc.  Take a look.

Not to leave Joey (my wonderful on-site assembler) out, this is what he wanted...a fish tank.  See?

We got cell phones, too.  We also got rid of two of our cats (humane society) and got the other two neutered, declawed, and caught up on their shots.  And to think--we didn't get everything we need yet.  We're going Wednesday for our kitchen set.  Then I think we're done...for now.

As for me, well, I have to wait a few weeks--until after my dentist appointment--for my reward.  You'll see.

til next time...=)