I think Brandi's getting her wish this weekend...
We got 15.5 inches of snow yesterday. Watch Good Morning America (I dunno if it was on the other channels) Thursday morning? See when they showed the one highway that was like gridlock because of snow? That's about 5 minutes away from my house. AND, on top of all that, I had to work Wednesday. This is what the block I work on looked like...around 1pm.
It was like blizzard conditions. I was on a split, and I didn't want to drive home in it. So I spent the whole day--from 8:30am to 7:30pm--at work. Some people couldn't get home, due to the state of emergency that was issued, as well as state police shutting down the highways...and ended up staying in the hotel across the street.
When I finally did get out of work, I helped Melissa, my co-worker and neighbor, dig out her car. This is what it looked like at 3pm, so add about 6 inches of snow to this, along with the fact that she was plowed in...at least 3 times. She could barely open her door.
Here she is crawling on top of the snow piles...lol.
After that was done, me and another co-worker, Shereen, had a bet to settle. See, she made a bet with me that it was going to snow 4 inches or less...of course, I took that bet. If she lost, she had to make a snow angel, and let me take pics. And, of course, she lost. Bwahahahaha!
It took me forever to get home...meaning in the house. The street we live on wasn't plowed...just packed down a little by other cars. Had to go down the wrong way on a one-way street. That was fun. Couldn't find a parking spot for shit. Got stuck a few times, then came back down the wrong way, parked the car in the middle of the street, and got a shovel from my landlord. Shoveled out a little, then a plow came. Had to move the car...and the nice plow guy plowed half of my parking spot. Yay. Did the rest, and finally got in the house at 9pm.
My last pic is of my street this morning.
See the truck in the middle of the road? It was there since about midnight. I had to go to the store before work (9am again)...when I walked past it, there was a note on the windshield that read--"waiting for a tow, nobody available until tomorrow, if needed, please call xxx-xxx-xxxx". This wasn't the only car/truck/u-haul truck/MAIL TRUCK I saw like this--there were cars all over the place...just left wherever.
Want some snow? Come and get it.
Oh--you wanna know what Brandi's wish is...she wants me to make another igloo...like this one. It's gotta wait until Sunday, though, since I have to work the next two days...lol.
til next time...=)