Got this from Barbara...had to give it a try.
Imagine that, for some reason, you've now been forced to consider the following:
You're forced to choose between one of the following vices. You have to
choose, and do, one of them: Smoking, drinking, illicit drugs. Which
would be the most acceptable to you?
Smoking...I do that already.
2. You're forced to give up one of these senses: sight or hearing. Which one do you give up?
Hearing...I can learn to read lips....
Disregarding the previous question, you're only allowed to enjoy one
thing from now on :music player (CD, iPod) or DVD player. Which would
you keep?
CD player.
4. You have to give up one of these for 3 days: eating or drinking. Which would you choose to do?
Eating...I can drink to make myself feel
5. You have to choose one: perpetual daytime, or perpetual night time. Which one do you think you could live with?'s cooler then.
6. You can only choose one type of treat for life: salty snacks (potato chips, Doritos, etc) or candy. Which one?
I can deal with losing the salty snacks, but not the candy...gimme chocolate!
7. Your life partner has to be one of the following: heavy smoker or heavy drinker. Which one?
The smoking I can deal with, as long as it's not in the house. Hell, even I don't do that.
8. Your life partner also has to be one of the following: Democrat or Republican. Which one could you live with?
Democrat, since I'm one.
9. You can only watch one forever: CNN or FOXNews Channel. Which one?
CNN...I watch that now.
10. You can only have one: a computer or a TV. Which one do you keep?
The TV...I can get WebTV...
11. You have to live in one of the following places: The Sahara Desert or Antarctica. Where do you go?
Antarctica. Too hot in the desert.
12. You have to give up one: MySpace or your cell phone. Which one do you keep?
The phone. I have MySpace, but I'm on the phone more. And MySpace can't help me in an emergency (such as when I forget what I need from the store).
13. You have to do one of the following: create 1000 email surveys or answer 1000 email surveys. Which one?
Hmmm...this one's tough. I would say answer them, since making them is SOOOOOOOOOO much harder.
til next time...=)