Sunday, September 16, 2007

Day 6--8/16/07


    Got up early this morning to go to the Graceland gravesite, but people were still going up with candles from the night before (it was about 7:30am).  So we couldn't go up.  We went back to the hotel and did some laundry--yay.  Then we took a quick drive down to Mississippi and saw Jerry Lee Lewis' house.  Came back to Tennessee, went downtown in Memphis and the kids played a game of bowling at Jillian's.  After that, we went for lunch.  The group split up--the kids and Grandma went for pizza at one of the food court restaurants in Peabody Place, a few of the group went for catfish at The Flying Fish.  Joey and I walked around the area and found Renee's--good food, good prices, and good conversation.  After we filled up on that, we went over to the Peabody Hotel where the ducks live.  Didn't get to see them, since there were too many people there.  That's because Priscilla Presley was there to dedicate Elvis' new spot on the duckwalk.  Then we got in the van and drove up to Graceland, and finally walked up to see the grave.  Wow--all the flowers and memorials were amazing.  Then we called it an early night, since we were going to see the inside of the mansion tomorrow morning.  Busy day!

til next time...=)

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