Saturday, January 3, 2009

thoughts from 411...

...I hear dumb people.

...some of my customers make me feel like a genius.

...the IQ of people who use cell phones drops after 12:00am. telemarketers call 555-1212.

...yeah, the automation sucks, but that's job security for me.

...people ask me weird things, like how to spell words, state capitals, and the price of postage stamps.

Now please don't be offended if you're a Verizon, VZ Wireless, T-Mobile, AllTel, or Cellular One (now AT&T) customer...I'm one of those customers too...just don't call 411 for really stupid reasons, or you just might get me, and you'll end up Or in my friend's book (yes, she's got about a book worth of weird/obnoxious 411 stuff)...go check her blog out...she's here (maybe if you visit, she'll post more).

til next time...=)


  1. awww thanks for thinking of me sweetie. . . .smooch

  2. I swear, people lose 10 points off their IQ when they walk through security too. UUUGH
