Monday, August 1, 2005

thank you

Sorry I haven't written in a few days...just trying to get some stuff done around here.  It's actually starting to look like a house--the only thing that's left is really the kitchen.  That was the worst room in the house...where the white floor was gray, the outlines of the appliances were marked in yucky stuff, and the little pests were feeding on what the last tenant had left behind.  But Joey's taking care of that.  The rest of the apartment is done, except the pictures aren't hung up; we're waiting until we paint to do that. 

Normally I would've given up days ago, but I am determined to make this work.  That and my readers (one in particular--you know who you are...lots of hugs!) and your words of encouragement, I really dug in and got the job done.  While Joey was working on the kitchen (he still is), I got rest of the house done almost all by myself.  Of course, the weakling that I am had to have him lift stuff like the TV, and put the bunk beds together.  You know, man stuff.  But other than that, it was pretty much all me.  So thanks for all your support through my really rough patch...who knows what's to come now.  I guess it can only get better...

til next time...=)


  1. Wooohoooo

    I am sorry that it has been so hard, but you finally have a home and you are so going to settle into it perfectly. Now when you make another igloo when the winter comes I sooo have to be invited. :D


  2. Congrats on getting all that hard work done!


  3. Sounds like you really have been buzy nd got a lot done.....I got tired reading what you all did...have a good day..............Kasey
