Friday, April 6, 2007


Got this from Robin, who got this from Barbara, and who knows where she got it.

1. Are you a child of the 70s, 80s, or 90s?
80s and 90s.

2. Where were you born?
The same damn place I am now...Pennsylvania.

3. What kind of home did you grow up in?
All apartments, mostly projects.  Yay.

4. Did you enjoy your childhood? was ok, but I'm glad it's over.

5. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Um...teacher...can't remember anything else.

6. What do you want to be now?
Landscape architect, psychologist, or pastry chef.

7. What was your first best friend's name?

8. Is she still your friend?

9. Can you name all the schools you ever attended?

Uh huh.  Ready?
Charles Sumner ES
Frances Willard ES
Newton-Ransom ES (for a week!)
Falwell ES
West Scranton IS
South Scranton IS
East Scranton IS
West Scranton HS

Penn State University--University Park Campus

10. Were you closer to your mom or dad as a kid?
Dad wasn't really around after the divorce...

11. What was the first record, tape or CD you remember buying?
Vanilla Ice...Ice Ice Baby, I think.

12. best age to be a parent
Late 20's.

13. Are you scared of anything?
Everything--I'm an anxiety attack waiting to happen!

14. What was your favorite class in elementary school?

15. Did you buy school lunch or bring your own?
Got school lunch for free...high school I bought my own at the store...that was when we were allowed to go out for

16. Broken any bones or had any freaky accidents as a kid?
Fell off a carousel when I was two--cried for 20 minutes, and that was it.  Chipped a bone in my elbow when I was six...playing King of the Mountain with a bunch of kids, including this 14 y/o, 200 lb kid.  Needless to say, I wasn't king (queen) that day.

17. Were you a mean kid?
Hell no--I was the one who was picked on. 

18. Favorite board game of all time?

19. Did you play house or pretend to be a super hero?
Oh yeah...played house in the woods...that was fun.  No super heroes, though.

20. Seriously, are you still just a kid at heart?
Sometimes...but every once in a while I get hit with one hell of a reality check.

til next time...=)


  1. Great job!!!! Loved it! xox Barbara

  2. Never know when I'm gonna be on or off, so I wanted to be sure to wish you a Happy Easter!

