Saturday, November 4, 2006


Oh--about the other day with the visit with the principal.  Bum wasn't doing her homework to the point where it was getting to be a problem--she already had lunch detention twice this year.  So we had a conference with the principal and her teacher.  Her teacher said Bum is one of the brightest kids in her class, but she's always talking to someone while the teacher's trying to...well, teach.  She's always trying to get someone's attention, wheter it be the teacher, or the other students.  In fact, the only time she's good in class is when she's isolated.

Then the storytelling subject came up.  The reason she's not doing her homework?  She's helping her younger sister with hers--that's what she told her teacher.  We told them the storytelling has been a problem for years, and not just at school.  They apparently got the wrong idea, and asked her more questions, as well as pulling Dude out of class and asking him as well.  You know what they were thinking...!    Anyhoo, we weren't happy with that, so I called the school and was like "what the hell?"  But from what they tell me, that's standard procedure.  The principal proceeded to tell me that some kids who are abused tell stories do it to make up a false reality--to cover up the real one.  That's why they pulled Dude out of class--to ask him what's going on at home.  But since there was nothing going on, they didn't do anything.  Ok, I guess.

til next time...=)

1 comment:

  1. They're so busy making up "signs" that these kids supposedly exhibit, you'd think they'd be 100% capable of making sure abuse never happens. So why do they keep missing the ones who ARE abused?

    Frustrating, to say the least.

