Sunday, September 4, 2005

saturday six #73

Here's my answers to this week's Saturday Six!

1. What is the price of gas at your regular station?  Have you made any changes to holiday plans because of gas prices?

That's what they were yesterday.  When I was getting my measely (sp?) $10 worthfor the week, I took this pic.  As far as my plans, I had no plans.  I had to work yesterday, today I'm just hanging around the house, and tomorrow we're going to the in-laws for food.  Other than that, I can't afford to go

2. Some people feel that the song that was #1 when they were born somehow helps shape their life.  Which song was #1 when you were born, according to this site.  Do you think it relates to your life at all?

The #1 song on June 12, 1977 was "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac, and I love this song!  As far as relating to me, I dunno.

3. Take this quiz:  Which child does it say you are?  Is it correct about your birth order?

You Are Likely an Only Child


At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated. At work and school, you do best when you're organizing. When you love someone, you tend to worry about them. In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic. Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management. You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books.

As far as that goes, that's kind of the truth.  I'm the baby of the family of 3 children, but with 11 years separating me and my sister (that and she was put in a foster home when she was 12), I guess you can say I was an only child...

4. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #61 from De:  What animal do you equate your spirit with and why?  (This site may be helpful.) 

I didn't read them all, but I think the dragonfly is more like me, since I have compassion to help others (sometimes too much).

5. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #62 from PsychfunIf you had to describe your personality as a nut (as in the eatable kind) what nut would you be and why?

I have no idea.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #63 from Chris:   Who knows the "real" you better - - your real world friends or your Jland readers?

Actually, my J-Land readers know me better, since I post here more than I get to talk to my real friends.  I know...I have no life.


  1. Wow, I thought gas prices were high here at $3.25.  These gas prices have really gotten out of hand.


  2. How on earth anyone on min. wage can afford to drive I do not know.

