Tuesday, March 20, 2007

math sucks, but i'm kinda good at it

Get this...I'm watching AI (this season pretty much sucks, by the way), and the phone rings.  It's my niece (the one I usually don't talk to, since the last time I talked to her, she was high as a kite), asking me a favor.  Oh no, what the hell does she want...money, a ride...?  Nope...help with a math question...WTF?  Proceeds to tell me she's at a friend's house, and friend needs help with an algebra problem.  Niece says she can't help, since she's a stupid dropout (her words, not mine), so she calls me, the genius (again, her words...lol).  Then she tells me the problem:

You sold tickets to a football game.  Kids' tickets were $4, and general admission tickets were $6.  You sold 525 tickets, totaling $2,876.  How many kids' and general admission tickets did you sell?

Now mind you, I haven't been in school in over 10 years...I had an idea how to get the answer, but nothing was clicking.  So I had to get help from where else, but the web?  I did finally get the answer:

x + y = 525
x = 525 - y
4x + 6y = 2876
4 (525 - y) + 6y = 2876
2100 - 4y + 6y = 2876
2y = 776
y = 388
x = 137

Just to make sure...
388 * 6 = 2328
137 * 4 = 548
2328 + 548 = 2876

There's your lesson for the day...well, that and don't get the phone during AI.

til next time...=)


  1. Damn, and you managed to find it in one night, while watching AI!!!!!

    I'm duly impressed

  2. WTG
    I would have never got it..
