Sunday, August 20, 2006

more tidbits

You know, a lot more happened while I was gone other than what I wrote about.  A few things of interest, anyway.  But that would take just too damn long, since there's details with at least 2 of the stories.  Long story short, here's the stories summed up in one sentence each:

--I didn't go to Ashley's graduation party.

--My niece, Stephanie, had her kids taken off of her...again.

--Joey was THISCLOSE to having a job, but turned it down.

--Joey also had an oppotunity to start his own catering biz.  Which is still on the table, by the way.

--I started a big commotion at work...over FLIP

--The house almost caught on fire.  We didn't do it.  Honest.  But if it weren't for me, it might have went up.

Wanna know the details?  Maybe I'll divulge...

til next time...=)


  1. Flip flops!


  2. You scared me!  What a funny face at the end.  YOu know if you cross your eyes they can stick that way!  Of course we want DETAILS!!!! Barbara
