Sunday, March 5, 2006

just chillin's been almost a week since I've been here.  Hell, the last time I was on the computer in general before today was sometime Friday.  That's not like  I just haven't been in the mood to be on here...I dunno.  I haven't been doing much otherwise, just hanging out.  I caught up on e-mail and journal entries this that's good.  Let's snowed the other day.  Oooh.  I think that's the only highlight of my week.

Wait!  Yesterday Bum went to her first confession!  That's a big thing!  It was a cute little ceremony, and she looked good in her new dress.  She did good...although we thought she should have been in there longer--the hell she's put us through this week alone should have left her in the box for at least an  She'll be receiving first holy communion in May.  Her dress is already bought, but it might not fit her--that's what her great aunt gets for not taking her when they bought it...DUH.  Hopefully I'll have a camera by then...keyword being hopefully.  It'll be interesting for me to see, since I never did this (I was baptized Catholic--that's it).  After all, Mom wasn't really accepted there, being divorced and lesbian...there's more to that, but anyhoo. 

Joey and I were debating whether we were going to do this, since for the most part we think Catholicism is one big money making scheme.  Just my opinion...I'm not going to start a huge debate over this.  Don't get me wrong--I am Catholic, but not a practicing one...meaning I don't go to church on a regular basis (the last time I was in church before yesterday was when Home Fry was baptized).  Around here, if you don't go and donate to the church, they kick you out.  WTF??  There's more to my reasoning on this too, but it'll take too long.  That's all I'll say for now.  Hopefully I won't get any hate mail or mean comments about

Wow...for nothing happening, this turned out to be a fairly long

til next time...=)


  1. I feel a little the same way about the whole religion thing,  

  2. its sad when churches don't allow people to come to worship God because they don't contribute. Its definitely what God would not want to happen. They, those who don't allow others in to worship God, will have to answer to God when they die. I fear for them.

    How exciting for First Communion. I was raised Catholic, but I'm not a practicing one anymore. I prefer to call myself a Christ follower :)

    good to hear from you; was wondering what was happening in your neck of the woods

