Sunday, July 3, 2005

back to the drawing board

Ya soon as I say something good's gonna happen, it all goes to hell.  Example:  As I said yesterday, we went to look at a house, which if we wanted it, we had it.  It looks small but nice from the outside.  Of course, we didn't know what we were in for.  The girl who we know said it was 2 1/2 bedrooms, but once we were inside, we knew that's not what it was.  It was only ONE bedroom, and they made the dining room into a 2nd bedroom.  Also, the girl told us it would be ready by July 1st...the last tenant's belongings were still there!  One more thing she said was that if we took it, they would waive the security deposit.  Nope.  So much for me celebrating last night.  So now it's back to square one.  And no more houses that the family recommends.  DAMMIT.

til next time...=)


  1. know what you mean as soon as you say and think that it gonna get better it doesn't just gets worse sorry about it but hopefully its gets better just keep looking soon it will have to good luck.


  2. Sorry Annie.


  3. Sorry about the house...maybe there is a better suited one out there for you and that is hy this one was wrong. Realtors...what they tell you and what you find out ...2 different things................................Kasey
