Sunday, July 3, 2005

saturday six #64

My answers to this week's Saturday Six from Patrick...

1. A stray dog wonders into your yard, obviously weak, hungry and thirsty.  He is a very friendly dog, but if you feed it or give it water, you know that the dog won't leave your yard and you'll end up keeping him.  If you don't help the animal, he might die.  What do you do?

Of course I would take it in.  I would feel guilty if I let it go.

2. You must lose one of the following:  a foot, a hand, an eye or an ear.  Which would you get rid of and why?

A foot, since I use both of my hands to type, both of my ears to hear, and both of my eyes to see...if I lose a foot, I could still get around in a wheelchair...

3. Scalzi of "
By the Way" recently posted about the top unanswered questions in science today.  Click here and scroll down to the list of the top 25 biggest mysteries:  which one would you MOST like to have answered?

I would like to see "How are memories stored and retrieved?" answered.  Only because my memory sucks, and it would be nice to remember better.

Joe, our AOL Journals Editor, says blogs are boring:  either everyone talks about pretty much the same topics, or regular people lead dull lives, he suggests.  So what keeps you reading other people's blogs?

Hmmm...I think the ones I do read are quite interesting.

Lisa:  You are writing a bestseller book.  What kind of book is it (romance, mystery, science fiction, action adventure, historical, gothic, classic, fiction, non fiction, biography, other) ?   What is your main character's first name and the setting in which it will take place?  And give us a one sentence tidbit about the plot ...   

Good question...I think I'll make it action/adventure.  The main character's name would be Kristi, the creator of a present-day game for other people to play...a worldwide scavenger hunt.  But as the contestants play along, they don't realize that their fate lies in Kristi's hands--it's her own little game...

Mary:  Jim Elliot once said, "When it comes time to die...make sure all you got to do is die."  What do you have to do or would like to do before you die? Make a list of at least 6 things.  And since you made the list.. will  you actually try to accomplish those things?

Let's see...

1. Watch my children grow up to be responsible adults.

2. Go back to school and get a degree in...something.

3. Go to a family reunion.

4. Go one day without worrying about something.

5. Start a nest egg.

6. Do something on my vacation other than sitting at home.

I've been trying to accomplish some of these things, but circumstances keep coming up that hinder the process.  Maybe someday...

til next time...=)

1 comment:

  1. I like your answer to #4!

