Thursday, July 21, 2005

Ok...I'm starting to think we got in over our heads with this one.  I guess I should start at the beginning of the day to explain...this is gonna be long.

Like I said last night, we had to break into our new apartment and change the locks, so we bought a new lock set on our way over there, around 10am.  We went there and tried a credit card to open such luck.  Then we tried just plain kicking the door in...nope.  We gave up, went home, called the owner and told him we're going to need a locksmith to open the door.  I gave him a few numbers to call for local ones, and he said ok.  Called back a few minutes later, said one would be there around 2 or 3pm, and he'll call before he comes.  Cool.  Around 2:45 we start wondering, so I call the locksmith to ask where he is.  He tells me the owner hasn't called him back with his credit card number.  After a few minutes of phone tag, everything's good.  We head over to the house.  When the locksmith gets there, he starts trying to open the door, but originally can't do it...somebody's been trying to get in with a screwdriver or something, and the lock's all bent out of shape.  He goes out to his van, comes back with this thing that takes the lock out of the door.  He has a hard time, but eventually opens the damn door. 

When he does, it wasn't a pretty sight--it still looked like it did when we saw it last week--atrocious.  There's still a stove, dryer, and living room furniture in the house.  There's food and beer bottles all over the kitchen counter.  The floor's an absolute mess.  The vanity in the bathroom's broken.  The toilet seat's broke too.  As the locksmith leaves, he says, "have fun cleaning"...hahaha.  Ok, I thought, we can do this.  I picked up a garbage bag, and started loading things from the counter.  I mean this was pathetic--there were glasses with stuff in them, and mold was as if when these people were kicked out, they were in the middle of lunch or something.  It can't get any worse, I thought...I was wrong.  As I was throwing things away, I noticed something crawling...OH MY GOD...ewwwww.  The last tenants left more than their stuff...they left their "pets" too.  When we saw those, me and Joey looked at each other, said "HELL NO", and left.  No way am I dealing with those.

So we came home, and immediately called the owner.  He had no idea about the condition of the apartment...he hadn't been in there since who knows when.  I told him about the garbage, the bathroom, and the...ewww, I even hate to type it...roaches.  I said if he wants us to clean it, he's going to take at least half of next month's rent off, and he's gonna have to get a dumpster or something.  And we want an exterminator there ASAP.  He agreed...and apologized.  He said the other tenants haven't complained about the pests...and I told him that maybe they don't mind them (or care), but WE DO.  I'm sorry, but I left that shit behind 7 years ago--I'm not going back to that now.  Again, ewwwww.

Joey mentioned to me earlier, "what else could go wrong?".  Who the hell knows...the house could collapse onto itself??

til next time...=)  <~~trying to, really!


  1. Oh no.

