Saturday, July 2, 2005


Just thought I would do an update on the house thing.  We're going to look at a house in about an hour, and we know it's ours.  If we want it, that is.  It's 2 1/2 bedrooms, and it's about 2 blocks away from where we are now.  If we take it, we'll be moving next weekend.  And I'll be celebrating tonight.  I'll update on this later today, if I'm sober

Tomorrow, we have to go to a funeral for Joey's cousin.  I don't want to go, only because there's some controversy (sp?) as to how he passed, and I'll be biting my tongue the whole time I'm there.  Oh well...I guess I owe it to the man--I wasn't that close to him, but he helped us out when we needed him to.

As for plans for Monday, I have the day off (and get paid for it), so we're going to have a picnic up at the park.  You know, food, swimming at the pool, fireworks, etc.  We were thinking of inviting family...the more the merrier.  I want to invite my 3 nieces, but Joey has a problem with one of them (long story, maybe I'll explain another time).  We also want to invite his cousins, but he doesn't know if he would be wasting his time by asking.  I dunno.  I just want to have a nice 4th with the family.  Who knows...

til next time...=)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you get the house.

