Saturday, June 11, 2005

this sucks

Yesterday was Bum's last day of school...and it looks like I'll be calling them before next year starts.  From what I read on her report card, she'll be having the same teacher next year as she did this year.  Now I knew she was being held back, that was partially our idea.  I don't like the idea of her having this teacher again, only because it seems as if she wanted her to fail or something.  Why, you ask?  Well, take this into consideration--during the last quarter, when there was a student teacher in the class, Bum's grades went up.  When student teacher left, said grades plummeted back down.  Also in the last quarter, Bum's grades were passing, but she still got "F"s.  I can't understand it.

What's worse is that the class bully got a hold of Bum's report card, and saw that she's not advancing to 3rd grade...I don't have to tell you what happened.  Hopefully when we move, we can change schools, and put all of this behind us. Who knows...

til next time...=)


  1. *kicking the teacher and the bully's butt*

    Really though I don't like violence but it is terrible that this kind of thing happens. When I was in forth grade my teacher was terrible I had F's and D's the first six weeks of school. My Mom new something was off so she MADE them switch me. It was to a harder teacher but none the less a different teacher. I made strait A's after that. I was the most imporoved student (I think I still hold that tittle there).

    So I think (personally) teachers can and will change grades if they want to. It is not fair to students. Yes there are "bad" students but more times I think its the teacher not giving them enough of what they deserve.

    Grrrrr I wanted to be a teacher so I could help out kids. I think I just might after reading this and remembering my times.


  2. Sorry to hear about this. -Krissy
