Monday, October 24, 2005

another sick day

This is what he'll be doing most of the day, I suppose.  He's got "acute pharyngitis"...or in his terms, "sick".  Little Guy woke up around 1am, and you could hear his breathing wasn't right, and he was coughing up a storm.  So Joey took Little Guy to the hospital in the wee hours this morning, via his brother.  They didn't get home until about 4am, and Little Guy crashed in my bed.  Joey didn't fall asleep til about 6:30...right around the time when the alarm for me was going off.  Ewwww.  So that makes 3 out of 4 of us who have something...ironically, the one who isn't sick is the one who usually is.  Give him a few days...he'll have it too.  Yay.  Something to look forward to...

til next time...=)

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