Monday, October 31, 2005

today so far, brought to you by the letter "p"

Today Joey's class had a "p"ajama "p"arty, to celebrate the letter "p".  I like to wear jammies, so I decided to go and hang out.  I even went out and bought a new set of jammies for the occasion.  It was sooo much fun!  All the kids and his teachers (who by the way are SOOOOO cool) wore their "p"ajamas, ate "p"opcorn and "p"umpkin "p"eeps, and watched the Barney (who is "p"urple) Halloween Special.  Before and after the movie, the kids were all (well not all...Little Guy didn't want to) dancing to Halloween music...Mrs. Guerra (his teacher) and Miss D. (student teacher) were going nuts dancing along with them.  Where they get all the energy, I have no idea.  But all and all, a good time was had by all.  As far as "p"ics, I did get some.  I will "p"ost them as soon as they come back--one of the other moms gave me her disposable camera to take "p"ics with...she'll get them developed and "p"ut onto a CD for me...=)  I'll be back later to let you know how the rest of the day goes.

til next time...=)


  1. Sorry you didn't have your own camera Annie, to take your "P"ictures with!


  2. glad you guys had fun and sorry about the camera
