Saturday, February 11, 2006

can i spend it?

That's what Bum said the other day when she got $10 from a visitor at school.  You're probably wondering WTF?  Here's the story...

Bum and the rest of her class sent letters, pictures, and Christmas ornaments to an outfit stationed in Iraq since the beginning of the school year.  You see, one of the soldiers in the company was a neighbor of Mrs. Jennings, her teacher.  So when they were in the states for a two-week vacation (I guess), they decided to stop in and say hi.  They spent the morning there, ate lunch with them, and gave them each a gift--a Iraqi $10 bill.  Cool, huh?

til next time...=)


  1. That is awesome!  Maybe you could suggest to her to start a scrap book.  She is at about the right age for this. Barbara

  2. that was so nice of them to do that; does she get to spend it?


  3. OK that's a great story to read about. So nice that they got to meet some of the soldiers. So great. A NICE story for a Sunday.

    Very cool.


  4. What a nice story-and yes, very cool. ~Diane~
