Wednesday, January 4, 2006

my misadventure

Well, I went on my journey today, and as the title says, it was mostly a misadventure, and a waste of time.  I had to stop at my job so I could get my manager's signature for a discounted bus pass, then had to go to Rite Aid and buy it.  Then it was off to the library to print off a copy of my Monster resume, and to also print off some Blockbuster coupons.  After that, I headed over to the CareerLink (unemployment) office to look for something new.  I found nothing, but applied for something that's too little, too far away, and not my type of work at all.  Should've seen that one coming...I didn't.

Finally, when I was done wasting my time there, I hopped on the bus to go somewhere I've been putting off for a few months.  I went to the garage where my car was being held for $181 ransom.  Instead of handing over the money, I gave them the title to the piece of junk, which is what they're going to do with it anyway. 

R.I.P. Hunk O' Junk, aka my 1992 Ford Taurus. 

(1991-2006) (2000-2006, when we had it)


This was taken in last year's snow.  This was the only pic I find.

In the 5 1/2 years we had the car, it was really nothing more than a headache, as mentioned here and here, and what led up to today, here.  From the time the water pump went about 2 weeks after we signed our lives away, to 4 months ago when it would overheat within 15 minutes of starting it up.  The ABS was going too, so that would be just a waste of time and money.  We got our money's worth out of it, though.  It got us back and forth through 10 jobs (6 of them mine), including a year as a Domino's driver (that's what REALLY did it in).  It suffered thehell that is my kids.  That would be enough to make any car run for the yard.

I really only went up there to take out what I wanted--my Hello Kitty stuff hanging in the rear view, the tire iron, since I didn't want to buy another one, and some other personal effects.  I almost cried, especially when I started it up just one more time.  When I was done, I returned the keys to the garage owner, who said he'd give me 2 weeks to come up with something for a payment, then he'd junk it.  So much for that offer--I'm about to lose my job in less time.  Oh less financial burden on my shoulders.

I decided to walk home from there, tire iron sticking out my backpack (c'mon--MESS WITH ME).  On the way, I saw the lights on at the yet-to-be-opened Papa John's, and decided to stop in and fill out an application.  What the hell, I thought, can't hurt.  The owner was busy setting up shop when I was done, but he said he'd look it over.  Cool.

So that's my day.  Anyone wanna trade lives right about now?

til next time...=)


  1. goodluck with your application at papa john's..I do like their Pizza :-)
    take care,

  2. May your car rest in peace. It looked like a nice one, snow and all. Good luck with the job application and job looking possibilities.


  3. LOL...I would but I think you would probably find yourself in pretty much the same situation.  Ugh....I've come to the conclusion that all cars are a pain in the royal butt.   Chris

  4. I just starteda whole nuther career and so can you. Think of it as an adventure.  I make less at my new job, but have less stress and more time at home.  You gotta go with the flow, Live laugh and love and never let em see you sweat! Barbara
