Wednesday, January 11, 2006

still contemplating

I was thinking about archiving my journals (all of them) on Blogger, but I dunno.  Now, don't start thinking I'm leaving--no way--I like the community here.  I'm just thinking of putting all my old entries on one journal...once I do that, then I'd mirror this one and that one.  The only thing I don't like is I can't figure out the damn HTML stuff.  I used to be good at that...then AOL~J came, and I didn't need to use it as much (well, that and you can't use advanced HTML here anyway), and I forgot how to use it.  Did I mention my short-term memory sucks?  There's times I'll go to the store, which is a two-minute walk, and forget what I went over there for.  Anyhoo, I have the Blogger account set up, I just haven't posted anything to it yet.  I think I mentioned that before, but I'm just mentioning it again.  Let me know what you think!

til next time...=)


  1. If you have the time, go for it. I'm too lazy to move somewhere else and I just finally figured out how to do things on AOL; hard to teach this old dog (me) new tricks.


  2. I'm here for the long haul. Barbara

  3. if you want go for it creat a mirror image that aways works if you have time goodluck

  4. Personally, I don't think it's a bad idea to have an archived back-up, just in case one of the platforms has a major burp and well...  everything's gone.  

    And the Blogger html is only needed if you want to spiff up the sidebar and stuff, and there are plenty of us who will respond if you yell!  LOL  And it's not hard at all, once you get the hang of it.  

    Just because you have two different (mirror) blogs is no reason to think that you've left the AOL-J community.

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

    ~~ jennifer
