Sunday, January 22, 2006

she's still here

Yup, as the title says, she's still down there.  And I think she got the fine in the mail, too.  Joey said he went outside for a smoke...when he did, he looked in the yard to find mail strewn all over the place, including our own.  She must have got the fine, and threw the rest of what was in her mailbox.  And of course, the mailman must've screwed up again, since a Blockbuster DVD that WE ordered was out there in the yard too.  I'm calling the federal inspectors tomorrow, since she's still fucking with our mail.  I'm also calling the post office (AGAIN) and telling them I want one of us to have to sign for our mail.  At least until she leaves, anyway.  Speaking of leaving, we've been getting calls out the butt for the apartment, but all we can tell them is we'll call them back when it's available.  We called Martin (the owner) this morning, and he wasn't happy about the whole situation...he said he needs that apartment empty.  I'm inclined to ask him, "Is the word  'SUCKER' just written or tattooed on your forehead?"  She's dragging her feet, and he's going along with it.  GRRRRR.  She hasn't been turning up the stereo, though...I wonder why.  I dunno. 

Once again, I'm rambling...I have a lot on my mind.  I have to leave early for work today, because Matt, my ride, has to be there 45 minutes before me, and that's IF he has to go at all...he signed up for e-time, so who knows.  If he doesn't go in, I have no idea how I'm going to get there...and I can't afford a 3-day suspension--that's what I'll get if I'm more than three minutes late.  AAARRRGGGHHH.  In short, my job sucks.

til next time...=)


  1. I hate people like that, hope she is GONE soon.

  2. you know she's dragging her feet on purpose!  Biotch.  

    Hope you didn't work to hard


  3. he needs a back bone especially in the landlording buisness or people will just walk all over you like shes undoubtly doing goodluck to him and yall too

  4. so sorry she's still there

