Wednesday, January 11, 2006

two in a row? wow.

It's been a good day so far, I guess.  This morning was nothing out of the ordinary, just your usual walking Bum to school, coming home, and doing nothing.  When I took Home Fry to school, I brought some banana muffins Joey had made last night...MMMMM.  Mrs. Guerra (his teacher) thought it was his birthday or something.  Nope.  Just a little snack for the class, for the hell of it.  Nice, huh?  Then it was off food shopping with my m-i-l...*cringing*...actually, it wasn't bad.  I stayed at one end of the store, while she and Joey were at the  Just kidding--I can tolerate her when the kids aren't around; it's when they are (and she starts giving into them) that irks me.  Off that subject...when we got back to the house, Joey started making one of my favorite foods...ham and cabbage.  By the time I picked up the kids from school (about an hour and a half later), the whole house smelled like it--YUM.  I had to walk back over to the store for something, and as I was walking across the lot next door, I fell right on my butt!  In the mud!  I had to go back to the house and change.  Before I did, I made the mistake of showing the family what happened.  Joey said I looked like I pooped my pants!!!  Imagine if I went over the store that way...I'd have some 'splainin to

So here I am, enjoying my second bowl of hammy goodness, drinking my coffee, and writing about the good day off I'm having.  Just the way I like it.

til next time...=)


  1. Ham and cabbage sounds good!!  Just right for cold weather.

  2. I never heard of ham and cabbage together, but I bet its delicious.


  3. Now you went and made me hungry again. Thanks for that!
    Glad to see you are getting spoiled.  Hope you had a great day off. Barbara
