Tuesday, November 15, 2005

new features...riiiight

I was reading my alerts (and comments left on journal entries), and I see that they put ads on the AOL journals written by paying members.  I think that's retarded on AOL's part--defacing paying members' personal space by putting the graffiti of various banners on the top of them.  So basically, they're making double the money on them--both from the journal owner, and the advertiser.  That's ludicrous.  My solution?  Tell AOL to screw off, get another ISP, and come to AIM...you can keep the same journal, same name, same features.  Yeah, the banner's annoying, but hey--I get this for free.  Hell, I'm getting Verizon DSL for cheaper than what I was paying AOL for dialup.  And my discount doesn't apply to the internet service--if that was the case, I'd be paying $8/month.  It's not bad...you should try it.  And the best part?  You get to stay in the ever-loving AOL J-Land community.  That's why I didn't want to cancel AOL, but I'm glad I did.  Now more than ever.

til next time...=)

1 comment:

  1. Gaw I absolutely adore you. :D You get what we mean totally ; )

    gotta go but will be back and leave a better comment ;)

