Saturday, November 19, 2005


I've been thinking about writing this entry for a while, but just haven't got down to doing it, until now.  About 2 weeks ago, I received an e-mail from one of my former classmates, talking about having a class reunion next summer.  Now mind you, I graduated in that would make this an 11-year reunion.  What the...?  In the letter, it said something like, "leave it to our class to be different"...lazy is more like it.  That's the thing about our class...we always put everything off until the last minute.  Fundraising, prom plans, etc.  So of course, when it came time for the reunion, everyone talked about it, but never got together and actually planned something...until it was too late.

As far as going, I dunno.  The way I look now...something like the toothless way.  But if I get them fixed (which I've been putting off for lack of funding), I would definitely go...just for the hell of it.  I think I talk to one of the people I graduated with...and that's not much.  Don't get me wrong--I had friends...just now I wouldn't really want anything to do with them, but I can explain that in another entry...omg, you'd be surprised what I can  Back to the subject at hand--the reunion.  What do you think...should I go?  Would it be worth it?

til next time...=)


  1. YES go!!! I went to mine and had a great time!!!!

  2. You should go. You are perfect the way you are. You have beautiful children and deserve to see old friends.

    I do find it funny that it's an 11th year reunion. lmao

