Friday, December 2, 2005

hi 5

Here's my answers to this week's 5'er from Robin...

1.  Where is the furthest you have traveled for Christmas and will you be traveling this year? 

I would have to say the furthest I've traveled for Christmas was when I was in college--about 2 1/2 hours away.  No traveling this year--everyone's close.

  2.  Do you celebrate any other holiday this month? Kw? Chanuk? Festivus?  

 Just Christmas...  

3. Who is the hardest person to shop for on your Christmas list and why do you think they are so hard to buy for? 

My father-in-law...he doesn't talk too much, so it's hard to figure out what he wants.  The only thing I really hear him talk about is boobies (he's known as "the boob man" at his job at a hospital), and I can't get him something like that...lmao.

4. How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa? Extra credit if you have a picture of you with Santa! 

I think I was about 9 when I stopped believing.  I don't have a pic of me with Santa, but I have one with Santa and the kids!

5. Fill in the blank;   For me Christmas just wouldn't be the same without _______? kids, and how they go nuts on Christmas morning.

til next time...=)


  1. Oh, cute pic of Santa and the kids!


  2. What a cute picture of your kids........chris

  3. Not sure what kind of boobie gift you could get...that could be a tough one. LOL!

    Love the picture. Thanks for playing The 5'er!

