Saturday, December 17, 2005

job hunting

Yep--I'm officially looking for another job.  They're forcing me to go to the other office, and I can't get there.  It's about 20 miles away, and unless I want to spend about $15 a day, and never be home (because of the Greyhound schedule), I guess I need a new job.  I almost made the cut of who stayed...if one more person volunteered, I wouldn't be going through this.  So now I have exactly one month to find something new.  Either that or collect unemployment, since I can do that.  At least I'm not as bad off as the managers--they got as much warning as we did, but they didn't get promised anything.  Meaning when all this goes down, they virtually have nothing left--no job, no pension, nothing.  I feel really bad for them.  Oh was good while it lasted...who am I kidding?

Once again, I missed the bus to come home last night.  Had to wait until 9pm outside.  So I decided to go over the mall to get some Christmas cards.  I didn't get home til after 10.  When I got here, boy did I hear it.  Everyone was worried about me--stupid me didn't call and let them know I was going to be late.  Oops.

til next time...=)


  1. I know how you feel.  I just have five or six more months at job.  They are outsourcing my whole department!  At least they gave us a year's notice.  (Only because they knew it would take that long to actually complete the conversion to the outsourcing company.)

  2. Good luck with the job hunt. It's something we will all be going through, sooner or later, and it just stinks. Employees mean nothing to these companies anymore.

